Adult Initial Assessment Form Share this page! Dear New Patient, It is a pleasure to welcome you to our family of happy and healthy chiropractic patients. Please let us know if there is any way we can make you and your family feel more comfortable. To help us serve you better, please complete the following information. We look forward to working with you to build better health for your family. *I agree with submitting the form below via emailPlease select the option above if you would like to submit this online form directly to Dr. Muller's email address. If you prefer to download a PDF version of this form, please click here to download a copy. Complete the form and bring a printed version with you on your initial appointment.IMPORTANT: We will use the minimum necessary amount of protected health information in any communication and will not send you unnecessary emails and/or TXT messages. By providing your consent below, we will be able to send you reminders for upcoming appointments, receipts and occasional notifications. *I consent to receiving appointment reminders, receipts, and occasional notifications via email and/or TXT messages. I understand I can withdraw my consent at any time.My Email Address is *Patient Full Name *Date of Birth *Age *Address *Home Phone # *Mobile Phone # Business Phone # Occupation Marital Status *Please SelectSingleMarriedDivorcedSeparatedCommon LawWidowedOtherChildren? *Please SelectNoYesEmployer's Name Name of Spouse/Partner (if applicable) How Many Children? (if applicable) Have you ever been treated by a chiropractor? *Please SelectNoYesHow long have you seen a chiropractor for? (if applicable) Name(s) of previous chiropractor(s) (if applicable) When was your last chiropractic appointment? (if applicable) Reason for last chiropractic visit (if applicable) Name of Family Doctor *Who may we thank for referring you to our office? YOUR HEALTH PROFILE What health concerns do you feel we can address for you? *When did this episode start? Since this began, is it worse, better or about the same? What makes it better? Have you had this before and when? What makes it worse? This condition interferes with my... (please select all that apply) WorkSchoolLeisureSleepSports/ExerciseOtherIf you selected Other, please add more details Other doctors seen for this condition? YesNoIf you answer YES, please specify belowDoctor's Name Date (approximately) Diagnosis GENERAL HISTORY AND HEALTH Are you currently seeing any other health practitioners as part of your health care team? (please select all that apply) Medical DoctorNaturopathAcupuncturistRegistered Massage TherapistOtherIf you selected Other, please specify Please list any accidents and/or injuries (Automobile, bicycle, sports, playground, etc.) and the date of the injury Please list any surgeries you have had and the date of the surgery How would you describe your current health? How would you describe your family’s health? Do you use any of the following? (please select all that apply) TobaccoAlcoholCoffeeTeaSoft DrinksMilkLevel of stress in your life (1-10) Please Select12345678910Is your health better, worse or the same as 5 years ago? Please SelectBetterWorseThe SameExplain why you think this is GENERAL SYMPTOMS - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Loss of consciousness (presently)Loss of consciousness (in the past)Blackouts (presently)Blackouts (in the past)Headache (presently)Headache (in the past)Fever (presently)Fever (in the past)Excess sweating (presently)Excess sweating (in the past)Night sweats (presently)Night sweats (in the past)Loss of weight (presently)Loss of weight (in the past)Night pain (presently)Night pain (in the past)Generalized pain (presently)Generalized pain (in the past)Nervousness (presently)Nervousness (in the past)Convulsions (presently)Convulsions (in the past)Loss of sleep (presently)Loss of sleep (in the past)NEUROLOGIC - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Dizziness (presently)Dizziness (in the past)Fainting (presently)Fainting (in the past)Problem speaking (presently)Problem speaking (in the past)Problem swallowing (presently)Problem swallowing (in the past)Blurred vision (presently)Blurred vision (in the past)Double vision (presently)Double vision (in the past)Nausea (presently)Nausea (in the past)Clumsiness (presently)Clumsiness (in the past)Numbness or tingling (presently)Numbness or tingling (in the past)MUSCLES AND JOINTS - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Sore/stiff neck (presently)Sore/stiff neck (in the past)Mid back ache (presently)Mid back ache (in the past)Low back ache (presently)Low back ache (in the past)Painful tailbone (presently)Painful tailbone (in the past)Shoulder pain (presently)Shoulder pain (in the past)Arm/forearm pain (presently)Arm/forearm pain (in the past)Elbow pain (presently)Elbow pain (in the past)Wrist/hand pain (presently)Wrist/hand pain (in the past)Hip pain (presently)Hip pain (in the past)Knee pain (presently)Knee pain (in the past)Ankle/foot trouble (presently)Ankle/foot trouble (in the past)Arthritis (presently)Arthritis (in the past)Loss of strength (presently)Loss of strength (in the past)EYES/EARS/NOSE/THROAT - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Failing vision (presently)Failing vision (in the past)Eye pain (presently)Eye pain (in the past)Failing hearing (presently)Failing hearing (in the past)Earache (presently)Earache (in the past)Ring/buzz in ears (presently)Ring/buzz in ears (in the past)Frequent colds (presently)Frequent colds (in the past)Sinus infection (presently)Sinus infection (in the past)Enlarged thyroid (presently)Enlarged thyroid (in the past)Enlarged glands (presently)Enlarged glands (in the past)RESPIRATORY - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Asthma (presently)Asthma (in the past)Chronic cough (presently)Chronic cough (in the past)Spitting up phlegm (presently)Spitting up phlegm (in the past)Spitting up blood (presently)Spitting up blood (in the past)Difficulty breathing (presently)Difficulty breathing (in the past)CARDIOVASCULAR - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Bleeding disorder (presently)Bleeding disorder (in the past)High blood pressure (presently)High blood pressure (in the past)Heart palpitation/arrhythmia (presently)Heart palpitation/arrhythmia (in the past)Chest pain (presently)Chest pain (in the past)Stroke (presently)Stroke (in the past)Hardening of arteries (presently)Hardening of arteries (in the past)Varicose veins (presently)Varicose veins (in the past)Swelling of ankles (presently)Swelling of ankles (in the past)Poor circulation (presently)Poor circulation (in the past)Heart/blood disease (presently)Heart/blood disease (in the past)Angina (presently)Angina (in the past)GENITOURINARY - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Trouble urinating (presently)Trouble urinating (in the past)Blood in urine (presently)Blood in urine (in the past)Kidney infection (presently)Kidney infection (in the past)Bedwetting (presently)Bedwetting (in the past)Prostate trouble (presently)Prostate trouble (in the past)SKIN - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Rashes/itching (presently)Rashes/itching (in the past)Bruise easy (presently)Bruise easy (in the past)Dryness (presently)Dryness (in the past)Boils (presently)Boils (in the past)Hives [allergies] (presently)Hives [allergies] (in the past)GASTROINTESTINAL - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Poor appetite (presently)Poor appetite (in the past)Indigestion (presently)Indigestion (in the past)Excess hunger (presently)Excess hunger (in the past)Belching or gas (presently)Belching or gas (in the past)Vomiting (presently)Vomiting (in the past)Pain over stomach (presently)Pain over stomach (in the past)Constipation (presently)Constipation (in the past)Diarrhea (presently)Diarrhea (in the past)Hemorrhoids [piles] (presently)Hemorrhoids [piles] (in the past)Jaundice (presently)Jaundice (in the past)Gall bladder trouble (presently)Gall bladder trouble (in the past)Intestinal worms (presently)Intestinal worms (in the past)Ulcer (presently)Ulcer (in the past)Diabetes (presently)Diabetes (in the past)Have you ever had any fractures? Please SelectYesNoHave you ever been in a car accident? Please SelectYesNoHave you ever been hospitalized? Please SelectYesNoAre you currently a smoker? Please SelectYesNoDid you smoke previously? Please SelectYesNoIf yes (fractures) - where? If yes (accidents) - when? If yes (hospitalized) - when? If yes (smoker) - how much? If yes (smoked) - how much? Have you ever been diagnosed with the following? (Select all that apply) CancerHIV/AIDSHep A/B/COtherIf you selected Other, please add more details Medications (list): Doctor’s notes: GU FOR WOMEN - Please select any conditions or symptoms presently causing, or that have caused you problems Painful menstruation (presently)Painful menstruation (in the past)Excessive flow (presently)Excessive flow (in the past)Hot flashes (presently)Hot flashes (in the past)Irregular/absent cycle (presently)Irregular/absent cycle (in the past)Cramping/backache (presently)Cramping/backache (in the past)Vaginal discharge (presently)Vaginal discharge (in the past)Swollen breasts (presently)Swollen breasts (in the past)Lump in breasts (presently)Lump in breasts (in the past)Currently on birth control pills/patch? (if applicable) Please SelectYesNo# of pregnancies (if applicable) Are you pregnant? (if applicable) Please SelectNoYesNot surePreviously on birth control pills/patch? (if applicable) Please SelectYesNo# of children (if applicable) If you are pregnant, when is your due date? (if applicable) BIRTH RECORD Were there any complications during your mother’s pregnancy or during your birth? What type of birth did you have (vaginal, c-section, forceps, etc.)? EXTENDED HEALTH CARE INSURANCE - DIRECT BILLING Direct billing may be available to you. If you have Extended Health Care Insurance available, please provide the information below.Name of Insurance Policy Number Member ID Are you the insured member? Please SelectYesNoIf not, please provide member’s full name and date of birth GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS People visit a chiropractor for a variety of reasons. To serve you better, we’d like to know which of the following health care options you are most interested in and intend to follow through with. Please check which description suits you best *Preventative Care - Wellness and life enhancement careMaintenance Care - Removing symptoms and their cause, with periodic routine maintenance visitsRelief Care - Band-aid care to remove symptoms onlyUnsure - I would like the doctor to select the type of care that is most appropriate for my conditionMuller Chiropractic is committed to providing all our patients with exceptional care. When a patient cancels without giving enough notice, they prevent another patient from being seen. Please contact us at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellation. To cancel a Monday appointment, please call our office by 2:00 p.m. on Friday. If prior notification is not given, a missed appointment fee is applied (the correspondent fee of the missed treatment). If you miss or are not able to attend your appointment, Dr. Muller will offer a virtual appointment, where recommendations on exercises and/or stretches will be sent to you through video call, phone call, and/or email. *I agree with the terms aboveCommentSubmit your Initial Assessment Form